As you may know, Trinity Church Mile End has recently moved and has a new name: Trinity Church Lockleys. Here’s a brief update on what’s happened.
We launched as a new church in February last year and were meeting in Temple Christian College. But we’d always wanted to be in the heart of the west so we could better reach the west, and so from the start we were looking for new venues. After a lot of searching, we found Lockleys Primary School, on May Terrace, and on 5 March this year had our first service there. It was great! People really took to the new venue and also saw the benefits of being more centrally located for evangelism. On 19 March, we had our official launch, and 150 people came – many of them visitors, with lots of not-yet-Christians too. There was a great vibe and a great sense of excitement about what God might do through us. So it was a great day, and thanks for praying for us if you were praying.
Looking forward, we’re keen to capitalise on our momentum with a good Easter and some more deliberate evangelistic strategies in Term 2 and beyond. To be honest, there are still lots of teams we need to form and structures we need to bed down: we feel a bit like we’re held together with sticky-tape and string at the moment. But we’re confident in God’s plans, so please pray that things will come together.
We’re really grateful to be part of a Network like ours, as we’ve had so much support from the churches. We’re looking forward to seeing what God does next in our city, and are praying for you all too!